By Deepa
Winning the Devil’s bargain from strategy+business highlights the ways in which employees are having to cope with balancing their personal values, organizational expectations and the “desire to succeed” To use the words of the author, Elizabeth Doty, Are “ethical bumps in the road a part of the game of business” She talks to 38 business […]
By Deepa
This post is from this month’s newsletter – ‘Building a Culture of Health’ If you don’t have time for anything else, be sure to take 5 minutes and watch this video of Dr. Cornish at theTED conference “The rest of the world is eating, living and dying like us.” No, it is not the title […]
By Deepa
I have wanted to post this for a while now. While ?innovation? has been widely acknowledged as the need of the hour, the key to survival, little thought is paid to the work place and its importance in stimulating creativity. If at all, we have some great reception areas and conference rooms but beyond that […]
By Deepa
To continue from the previous post: Neil’s observations on change,people’s response to it and the inherent issues associated with implementing change: Ok, so I got a few things wrong too ? or simply chose to ignore what I already knew well from having worked on dozens of innovations in consumer electronics and office systems over […]
By Deepa
When I first read about Gate 3 WorkClub, I was drawn to the colourful, well lit work space. I thought the concept was brilliant, thoughtfully designed for the New Age worker! Heath Row describes Gate 3 eloquently in his post, ? Gate 3 is absolutely wonderful: an open, well-lit, colorful workspace peppered with different work […]
By Deepa
An interesting study by Ellen Galinsky of Families and Work Institute called ?Leaders in a Global Economy? on how men and women in 10 multinationals have dealt with primarily the following two questions: ?In the past year, how often have you put your job before your personal or family life?? ?In the past year, how […]
By Deepa
Here is a post I have been wanting to blog for a while now. Working in organizations should also be about having fun which in the mad rush to meet the ever pressing deadlines gets forgotten. Here is how Cheskin, a consulting and research firm tries to combine meetings and have fun. They try a […]
By Deepa
How Full Is Your Bucket? Positive Strategies for Work and Life , a book brought out by Gallup press uses simple metaphor of a dipper and a bucket, to enable you to increase the positive moments in your work and your life while reducing the negative. According to the book: Each of us has an […]
By Deepa
David Gurteen shares the results of a recent survey on email at the workplace. It offers interesting insights on the prevalent email culture at the workplace today. The study is useful to HR practitioners who wish to understand how email is having an impact on work and as a source of stress. Some findings: Average […]