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Chenault’s six attributes of a Skilled Leader

By Deepa

Kenneth I. Chenault, chairman and CEO of American Express, shares his business insights and philosophies at a talk in Wharton The quotes are from his talk. Integrity: “Many people construe ‘integrity’ to mean being honest. That’s a piece of it, but it’s really about being consistent in words and actions. When you are trying to […]

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What double-digit growth companies do right?

By Deepa

The recent issue of “Leader to Leader” (subscription required) has an article on ?Leading the Way to Double-Digit Growth” by Robert P. Gandossy and Shelli Greenslade. The single biggest differentiator based on extensive research of double digit growth companies is Leadership Development. According to the authors, “Without a strong leadership infrastructure, organizations simply would not […]

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9 creative ways that leading companies use to maximize the power of people

By Deepa

This month’s HR News and Views has a compilation of people practices worth adopting. Here is the first one: 1. Support and Accountability for New Recruits at Trilogy Software Trilogy Software Inc among the world’s largest privately held software companies pushes the responsibility of grooming new hires into the organization on their sponsors. As a […]

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The Specialist Vs the Generalist.

By Deepa

I would not have written about “The Emperor of Scent” by Chandler Burr here but for the debate that often come up – The Specialist Vs the Generalist. The “Emperor of Scent” is about Luca Turin, a scientist who offers a new theory of smell. He arrives at this theory based on his ability to […]

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It’s all about doing what you love

By Deepa

Here are excerpts from the Commencement Address by Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computer and of Pixar Animation Studios, delivered on June 12, 2005 at Stanford University. Connecting the dots? Reed College at that time offered perhaps the best calligraphy instruction in the country. Because I had dropped out and didn’t have to take the […]

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Here is how the World’s Richest Man stays Rich!

By Deepa

Bill Gates goes on a “Think Week” period of seclusion where he ponders the future of technology and to decide on the future direction of Micrsoft. “It’s a twice-yearly ritual that can influence the future of Microsoft and the tech industry. A Think Week thought can give the green light to a new technology that […]

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Let’s go to the Movies

By Deepa

Movies primarily allow for teaching left brain concepts with right brain simulation. The visual impact offers insights on human behavior under various situations that is retained for a longer time. If movies promote discussion with colleagues, allow for people to share their learnings and examine ways in which they can be translated into behaviours that […]

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The Best Advice I ever got

By Deepa

The March issue of Fortune has 28 leaders and gurus from the world of business share ?The Best Advice I ever got?. It has the likes of Peter Drucker, Warren Buffet, Richard Branson, Howard Schultz … the list goes on. Two that stayed with me: Excerpt from Meg Whitman, CEO and President of eBay ?Always […]

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By Deepa

From Shashi Tharoor’s most recent book “Bookless in Baghdad” “To me, books are like the toddy tappers?s hatchet, striking through the rough husk that enshrouds our minds to tap into the exhilaration that ferments within.? ?More than a century ago, Walter Pater wrote of art as ?professing frankly to give nothing but the highest quality […]

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“It Couldn’t Be Done”

By Deepa

“It Couldn’t Be Done” by Edgar Guest. Somebody said that it couldn’t be done, But he with a chuckle replied That “maybe it couldn’t” but he would be one Who wouldn’t say no till he’d tried. So he buckled right in with the trace of a grin On his face. If he worried he hid […]

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