Importance of teaching

Apr 10, 07

How much of your time as a Manager is spent on ‘teaching’?

“He ( Warren Buffet ) later told me that he subscribed to Charlie Munger’s “Orangutan theory”- which essentially contented that, “if a smart person goes into a room with an orangutan and explains whatever his or her idea is, the orangutan just sits there eating his banana, and at the end of the conversation, the person explaining comes out smarter.”” Personal History, Katherine Graham

Peter Drucker too had written and talked about the importance of teaching and its benefits.

Peter Drucker believed that “you don’t know anything unless you teach it”. Drucker himself had taught American history, Japanese art, religion, and statistics. He believed that, “To teach what you don’t yet know helps you learn more than just a new set of facts; you practice the discipline of learning to learn, since new subjects require learning new concepts.”

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