Chips on your shoulder

Feb 17, 06

Business Week reports that two employees at have silicon chips embedded into them. According to their CEO, Sean Darks, who also has one of the chips embedded says that the chips work “like an access card. There’s a reader outside the door; you walk up to the reader, put your arm under it, and it opens the door.”

According to this article it is not the first time that it has been used at the workplace. It was used by 18 members of the Mexican attorney general’s staff.

Looks like even customers are using it! According to Wolfgang Grulke ?Barcelona’s Baja Beach Club began microchipping its VIP nightclub members, to let them into exclusive areas and clock up drinks and food via a chip implant in the arm produced by VeriChip Corporation?

He believes that within a decade, microchips will be common. ?Already two scientists at Britain’s Warwick University have chips embedded under their skin that let them send emails just by thinking.?

Interesting times we live in!

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