As a mystery shopper for Jigyasa, I agree to the following:

1. Confidentiality:

    I treat the results of this mystery visit strictly confidential and will not distribute any information related to these activities to other parties;

2. Compliance:

    I execute the mystery visit according to the briefing manual and instructions that were given to me. I will always assess using the highest standards;
    - Comments given are objective and complete
    - Use proper grammar, spelling and sentences (formal, correct tense, etc)

3. Integrity:

    The results in the questionnaire are an accurate and objective description of my observations

4. Conflict of Interest:

    You will let us know if there is any conflict of interest, when you are assigned to mystery shop for any of our clients. Some but not all examples of conflict of interest include if you are employed with the specific client, you have a close family member working with our client. In case of doubt, you will check with us before accepting an assigning with the specific client.

5. Essence:

    I will not, under any circumstances, reveal that I am a mystery shopper and thus will act as a real customer. If by accident my identity was revealed, I will inform Jigyasa management of this immediately.

6. Accountability:

    I will be contactable for any queries from the Jigyasa with regards of the assignments I have done